(Last update Mar 21, 2025)
(Some Chrome browsers may warn ZIP-file downloading. Please also find LZH-file downloading on the Japanese page, if you mind. (Sep 11, 2022))
Attn: VRM Live Viewer users,
VRM Live Viewer (by Fantom-san)
is a free software playing back BVHs, VMDs, and/or preset motion for VRM models.
If you are prepareing a VMD file for VRM Live Viewer playback,
- (1) Download ZIP for "VMD twist motion separator set for Unity-based VMD players for long sleeve models",
- (2) Extract all the files from the ZIP file,
- (3) Drag-and-Drop an original VMD (MMD motion) file to VmdTms.exe,
(then the converted VMD (xxxx-cnv.vmd) will be generated,)
- (4) Drag-and-Drop the converted VMD to VRM Live Viewer.
Please be sure to keep the license condition as directed in the ReadMe attached with the VMD.
Most of the VMDs require credit notation to fullfill the series of the license inherited from parent works.
If you like to playback more accurate motion compensated the bone angle difference between the original model and your model,
also use "VMD Retarget" to correct the difference beforehand.
(In that case, first use VMD Retarget, and then use VmdTms.)
(Mar 26, 2023, updated on Oct 14, 2024)
VMD Checker V1.16 for VRM Live Viewer (English edition), vmdchk116-vrmliveviewer-en.zip (1364kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This tool set is for checking if a VMD (MMD motion file) is appropriate for use in VRM Live Viewer 3.10 with VRM models.
Drag and drop a VMD file onto VmdChecker.exe to start checking.
The unsupported bone names in VRM Live Viewer will be displayed in red-to-orange colors.
V1.16 Revised LegIKP warnings for VRM Live Viewer v3.10 update. (stable)
(Oct 28, 2024)
VMD Retarget V1.21f20a, vmdretarget121f20a.zip (1269kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This tool set is for converting a VMD (MMD motion file) for compensating bone angle differences among PMX, VRM 0 (VRM ver 0.xx), and VRM 1 (VRM ver 1.0) models.
(This set supports the conversion for both MMD with PMX models and VRM Live Viewer 3.3-3.10 with VRM models.)
Source models (PMX/VRM) and target models (PMX/VRM) should first be dropped onto learningSoucePMX/VRM
and learningTargetPMX/VRM for learinig the bone angles.
Then drop the VMD file onto VmdRetarget.exe.
Converted motion VMD (***-ret.vmd) will be saved automatically in the same folder.
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
V1.21f20a Bug fix: non-zero -LEGDW default values were initially set in V1.21f20. => fixed.
(Mar 22, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f20-longsleeve-vrm.zip (637kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This set is for converting a VMD (MMD motion file) for Unity-based VMD players
that use UnityVMDPlayer library (by hobosore-san), such as VRM Live Viewer (by Fantom-san).
Just drag-and-drop the VMD file onto VmdTms.exe for starting the conversion.
Default arm angles of 30 degrees are supposed, which are the default values in UnityVMDPlayer library,
and are already set up in the vmdsetup.ini. (No pose learning is necessary.)
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f20-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (637kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This is a substitute for the above "set for Unity-based VMD players for long-sleeve models."
This set is specialized for converting the VMD (MMD motion file) that may include discontinuous arm movements (at some scene changes) or motion twisting arms by 360 degrees.
Use this set instead of the normal set (the set for "Unity-based VMD players for long-sleeve models") if you find a warning message "the converted VMD may have the motion twisting the arm(s) by 360 degrees" with the normal set.
The VMDTMS in this set trusts the original arm motion in the VMD and converts the arm motion preserving its twisting motion.
This set is also available for VMDs in which the twisting motion of the arms has already been tuned manually or optimized with other tools.
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 vmdtms121f20-learnandtune11.zip (1293kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11.
This is a conventional set without learningposePMX.
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
(learningposePMX set)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 vmdtms121f20set-learnandtune11.zip (1410kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This set includes learningposePMX V1.15.
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)

Relation between
VMDTMS and VMD Retarget

Conversion diagram
(all available conv.)

Conversion diagram
(VRM-set setup)
About the license
The license of VMDTMS and VMD retarget has been revised on Jun 21, 2024.
No change was made for personal use.
For company use (corporate use or enterprise use), we have added the terms requiring in-company reporting of
the bone names of the model files, the bone names of the motion files, and the names of the tools for processing them, when you use
these tool sets with MMD (Miku Miku Dance) motion files, for avoiding incorrect use of the tools and/or the motion files.
Please find the revised license in the Readme files in the sets.
learningposePMX V1.18 learningposepmx118.zip (123kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Updated version of the optional tool for VMDTMS for learning arm angles directly from PMX files.
V1.18 Improved in reliability in recording vmdsetup.ini on Windows 11.
(Mar 21, 2025)
PMX English Bone-name Adder V1.02 pmxengnameadder102.zip (143kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
A tool to automatically rewrite "NULL" English bone/morph names in a PMX file.
This tool rewrites vacant English bone/morph names by filling in the names inferred from Japanese bone/morph names,
so that the timeline in English mode in Miku Miku Dance (MMD) diplays proper bone/morph names.
Just drag-and-drop PMX files onto this tool (PmxEnglishNameAdder.exe) to start rewriting.
V1.02: first version.
(Mar 16, 2025)
PMX Link Corrector V1.02 pmxlinkcorr102.zip (137kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Simple tool for checking and correcting link information recorded in a PMX file.
This tool can fix a PMX file that losts links to texture files, sphere files, and/or toon files.
Just drag-and-drop PMX files onto this tool (PmxLinkCorrector.exe) to start checking or fixing.
V1.02: Improved reliability of PMX file output on Windows 11.
(Mar 15, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f20ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (637kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This set is for converting a VMD (MMD motion file) for Unity-based VMD players
that use UnityVMDPlayer library (by hobosore-san), such as VRM Live Viewer (by Fantom-san).
This is an IK-off overwrite version that disables leg-IKs for playback with FK motion.
If you like using normal version with IKs enabled, please use standard versions for long-sleeve VRMs.
Just drag-and-drop the VMD file onto VmdTms.exe for starting the conversion.
Default arm angles of 30 degrees are supposed, which are the default values in UnityVMDPlayer library,
and are already set up in the vmdsetup.ini. (No pose learning is necessary.)
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f20expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (637kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This set is for converting a VMD (MMD motion file) for Unity-based VMD players
that use UnityVMDPlayer library (by hobosore-san), such as VRM Live Viewer (by Fantom-san).
This is an experimental version that also corrects mismatch of up-down motion of body center between MMD and Unity-based VMD Player. (This set is optimized for VRM Live Viewer 3.3-3.10.) If you like using stable version, please use standard versions
for long-sleeve VRMs.
Just drag-and-drop the VMD file onto VmdTms.exe for starting the conversion.
Default arm angles of 30 degrees are supposed, which are the default values in UnityVMDPlayer library,
and are already set up in the vmdsetup.ini. (No pose learning is necessary.)
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f20 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f20-motherbonemix.zip (419kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
This set is for converting a VMD (MMD motion file) for mixing Mother-bone motion and Center-bone motion.
Mother-bone motion in converted VMD will be cleared and vacant, which allows users additional translation and rotation without editing PMX models.
Just drag-and-drop the VMD file onto VmdTms.exe for starting the conversion.
The converted VMD will be named as "***-mix.vmd".
No pose learning is necessary.
(The attached readme is the same with that in standard VMDTMS set.)
V1.21f20 Supported LegIKP correction (-CLIKLW/-LEGDW options).
(Mar 21, 2025)
VRM Rewriter V1.21a vrmrewrite121a.zip (156kB)
for Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Simple tool for rewriting VRMs.
Just drag-and-drop a VRM file onto this tool (VrmRewriter.exe) to start conversion.
This tool rewrites radii of the leg-fixed colliders according to the options assigned in modsetup.ini.
-LCR0=(radii of the closest colliders to the hips)
-LCR1=(radii of the 2nd closest colliders)
-LCR2=(radii of the 3rd closest colliders)
-LCR9=(radii of the colliders after them)
This tool also deletes unused data and reformats JSON parts of VRMs.
The converted VRM will be named as "***-rew.vmd".
V1.21a Improved reliability of VRM file output on Windows 11.
(Mar 15, 2025)
Skymaker Executable Files Update Set (V2.64a16)
sky264exeupdate16.zip (7333kB)
for Windows 95-Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Updated for supporting Windows-10 (1903) output transparent AVI file read-in (<2GB)
with updated scripts for file viewer samples.
(Jul 17, 2020)
Skymaker Executable Files Update Set (V2.64a10)(stable)
sky264exeupdate10e.zip (2381kB)
for Windows 95-Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Revised for [T]-key (left-top trimming) and [H]-key (right-bottom trimming) image extraction in single image viewer sample.
(Jun 17, 2015)
Transparent BMP format (BITMAPV4): page 1, page 2 (in Japanese).
(updated on Oct 23, 2023)
Previous release
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f18 vmdtms121f18-learnandtune10.zip (1273kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f18
(learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f18set-learnandtune10.zip (1390kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f18 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f18-longsleeve-vrm.zip (627kB)
V1.21f18 Improved in conversion speed (x1.2 times).
(Feb 16, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 vmdtms121f17-learnandtune10.zip (1274kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms121f17set-learnandtune10.zip (1391kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f17ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (628kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f17expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (628kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f17-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (628kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f17ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (628kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f17 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f17-motherbonemix.zip (412kB)
V1.21f17 Bug fix in processing VMDs with more than 32768 bone keys in some macro.ini commands.
(Feb 13, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 vmdtms121f16-learnandtune10.zip (1278kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms121f16set-learnandtune10.zip (1403kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f16-longsleeve-vrm.zip (636kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f16expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (636kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f16-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (636kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f16ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (636kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f16 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f16-motherbonemix.zip (414kB)
V1.21f16 Supported setmodelname command in macro.ini. Improved in processing VMDs with missing semi-standard bones.
(Feb 8, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 vmdtms121f15-learnandtune10.zip (1295kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15
(learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f15set-learnandtune10.zip (1411kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f15-longsleeve-vrm.zip (644kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f15expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (644kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f15-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (644kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f15ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (644kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f15 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f15-motherbonemix.zip (422kB)
V1.21f15 Supported timestretch command in macro.ini and camera motion conversion. Improved in damaged VMD availability.
(Jan 31, 2025)
VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 vmdtms121f14-learnandtune10.zip (1283kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14
(learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f14set-learnandtune10.zip (1400kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f14-longsleeve-vrm.zip (633kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f14expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (633kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f14-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (633kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f14ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (633kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f14 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f14-motherbonemix.zip (411kB)
V1.21f14 Revised AllVmdMix so that the converted VMD inherits the settings of the bone-motion VMD. Bug fix in type/del commands. (macro.ini)
(Jan 21, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 vmdtms121f12-learnandtune10.zip (1284kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12
(learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f12set-learnandtune10.zip (1401kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f12-longsleeve-vrm.zip (634kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f12expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (634kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f12-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (634kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f12ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (634kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f12 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f12-motherbonemix.zip (411kB)
V1.21f12 Supported arbitrary bone mixing. Extended in del/type commands. Bug fix in start-frame display for 360-degree arm twisting.
(Jan 17, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 vmdtms121f11-learnandtune10.zip (1056kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms121f11set-learnandtune10.zip (1173kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f11-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f11expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f11-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f11ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f11 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f11-motherbonemix.zip (405kB)
V1.21f11 Bug fixes in console messages for 360-degree arm twisting and in LeftLeg/RightLeg mixing with the delete command combination.
(Jan 13, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 vmdtms121f10-learnandtune10.zip (1056kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 (learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f10set-learnandtune10.zip (1173kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f10-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f10expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f10-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f10ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (406kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f10 set for Mother-bone motion mixing, vmdtms121f10-motherbonemix.zip (405kB)
V1.21f10 Supported timeshift command. Extended del and mirrorX commands for camera and light editing.
(Jan 13, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 vmdtms121f8-learnandtune10.zip (1049kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 (learningposePMX set) vmdtms121f8set-learnandtune10.zip (1166kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models, vmdtms121f8-longsleeve-vrm.zip (401kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (experimental version), vmdtms121f8expt-longsleeve-vrm.zip (401kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 set for Unity-based VMD players
for preserving twisting arm motion, vmdtms121f8-keeparmtwist-vrm.zip (401kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 set for Unity-based VMD players
for long-sleeve models (IK-off overwrite version), vmdtms121f8ikoff-longsleeve-vrm.zip (401kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.21f8 set for Mother-bone motion mixing,
vmdtms121f8-motherbonemix.zip (400kB)
V1.21f8 Bug fix: Center bone motion has been canceled in the conversion for PMX models. (V1.21d-1.21f7) => Fixed.
(Jan 6, 2025)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.18alpha1 vmdtms118alp1-learnandtune18.zip (480kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.18alpha1 (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms118set-learnandtune18.zip (575kB)
V1.18alpha1: Supported neural-network-based pose estimation.
(Apr 8, 2022)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.17 vmdtms117-learnandtune17.zip (460kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.17 (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms117set-learnandtune17.zip (555kB)
V1.17: English bone names can be reassigned and changed using
-nameLA='xxx'/-nameRA='xxx'/-nameLAT='xxx'/-nameRAT='xxx'/-nameLE='xxx' /-nameRE='xxx'/-nameLWT='xxx'/-nameRWT='xxx'/-nameLW='xxx'/-nameRW='xxx' options.
(Mar 26, 2022)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.15f vmdtms115f-learnandtune14.zip (430kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.15f (learningposePMX set)
vmdtms115fset-learnandtune14.zip (525kB)
V1.15f: supported English bone names ("arm_L"/"R", "arm twist_L"/"R", "elbow_L"/"R", "wrist twist_L"/"R",
and "wrist_L"/"R".
Bug fix: Learning arm angles from VMD files failed when arms were twisted to back side (X<0).
(Jan 13, 2022)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.10 vmdtms110-learnandtune5.lzh (283kB)
(Feb 21, 2020)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.08b1 vmdtms108b1-learnandtune2-4.lzh (146kB)
(Sep 17, 2016)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.07b2 vmdtms107b2-learnandtune4.lzh (94kB)
(Sep 17, 2016)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.05e vmdtms105e-learning.lzh (76kB)
(Jul 27, 2015)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04c for Appearance Miku V1.00 vmdtms104c-appmiku3.lzh (74kB)
(Mar 30, 2015)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Animasa-type Miku V2 vmdtms104a-animasamiku3.lzh (70kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Animasa-type Luka vmdtms104a-animasaluka3.lzh (70kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Corde model V2.1 vmdtms104a-corde3.lzh (69kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Gumi beta V3 vmdtms104a-gumiv33.lzh (70kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Renku-type Kokone V1.00 vmdtms104a-kokone3.lzh (70kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Lat-type Miku V2.31 vmdtms104a-latmiku3.lzh (69kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Tda-type Miku Append V1.00 vmdtms104a-tdamiku3.lzh (70kB)
- VMD twist motion separator V1.04a for Appearance Miku V1.00 vmdtms104a-appmiku3.lzh (70kB)
(Mar 26, 2015)
VMD Retarget
- VMD Retarget V1.21f18a, vmdretarget121f18a.zip (1257kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f18a for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f18a-fcap.zip (1287kB)
V1.21f18a Default setup of modsetup.ini was changed to -PCLSL=0 -PCRSL=0. (shoulder conversion OFF)
(Feb 24, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f18, vmdretarget121f18.zip (1256kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f18 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f18-fcap.zip (1287kB)
V1.21f18 Improved in conversion speed (x1.2 times).
(Feb 16, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f17, vmdretarget121f17.zip (1256kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f17 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f17-fcap.zip (1287kB)
V1.21f17 Bug fix in processing VMDs with more than 32768 bone keys in some macro.ini commands.
(Feb 13, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f16, vmdretarget121f16.zip (1258kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f16 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f16-fcap.zip (1288kB)
V1.21f16 Supported setmodelname command in macro.ini. Improved in processing PMXs/VMDs with missing semi-standard bones.
(Feb 8, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f15, vmdretarget121f15.zip (1266kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f15 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f15-fcap.zip (1295kB)
V1.21f15 Supported timestretch command in macro.ini and camera motion conversion. Improved in damaged VMD availability and Knee and Ankle pose correction.
(Jan 31, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f14, vmdretarget121f14.zip (1256kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f14 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f14-fcap.zip (1284kB)
V1.21f14 Bug fix in type/del commands. (macro.ini)
(Jan 21, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f12, vmdretarget121f12.zip (1256kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f12 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f12-fcap.zip (1284kB)
V1.21f12 Supported arbitrary bone mixing. Extended in del/type commands. Bug fix in start-frame display for 360-degree arm twisting.
(Jan 17, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f11, vmdretarget121f11.zip (1250kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f11 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f11-fcap.zip (1278kB)
V1.21f11 Bug fixes in console messages for 360-degree arm twisting and in LeftLeg/RightLeg mixing with the delete command combination.
(Jan 13, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f10, vmdretarget121f10.zip (1250kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f10 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f10-fcap.zip (1278kB)
V1.21f10 Supported timeshift command. Extended del and mirrorX commands for camera and light editing.
(Jan 13, 2025)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f8, vmdretarget121f8.zip (1242kB)
- VMD Retarget V1.21f8 for Full-capture Motion, vmdretarget121f8-fcap.zip (1272kB)
V1.21f8 Bug fix: Center bone motion has been canceled in the conversion for PMX models. (V1.21d-1.21f7) => Fixed.
(Jan 6, 2025)
VMD Checker
PMX Link Corrector
VRM Rewriter