Company profile
Finekit is a company targeting hardware (electric circuits) and software (application software and firmware)
development for controlling machines and devices working in real-time.
Finekit is skilled in mechanical control using FPGA-based circuits.
Finekit was established in 2014 and started its building repair business in 2019 using in-house NC machines.
Finekit Incorporated
(established Dec 18, 2014)
Headquarters | |
5-21-17 Kikuna, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 2220011, Japan
Objective | |
1. |
Design, development, and fabrication of hardware (electric circuits and machines)
2. |
Design and development of software
3. |
Intermediary business of music, images, and computer graphics
4. |
Web site design and translation
5. |
Business related to the above
Capital funds and stock | |
9,950,000 yen (as of May 31, 2024)
CEO | |
Fumio Issiki (founder)
Main bank | |
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (corporation accounts)
Corporate Number | |
1-0200-0110-8921 (registered in Japan)
Accounting period | |
Jun 1 to May 31
Sales amount | |
1,964,589 yen (as of Jun 2023-May 2024)
Financial reports (in Japanese)
| : registered member
| |
| : Technology Group member